Quick Contact
  • Dhaval Shah 94277 13155
  • Narendra Shah 94277 13144
  • Phone: +91 - 79 - 227 300 62
  • Email: info@pulleyahmedabad.com
  • Address: 43, Bhagwati Ind. Estate,
    B/h. Uttam Dairy, Opp. Dimple Stationery, Amraiwadi, Rakhial, Ahmedabad -
    380 026. Gujarat (India)

Star Coupling

  • Flexible inserts cater for incidental angular, parallel, axial misalignments.
  • Absorbs shock loads and dampens small amplitude vibration.
  • Quick and easy installation.
  • Range of Standard (8 sizes) External Spider (6 sizes) and Cushion Type (6 sizes) with power rating from 0.21 Kw at 22.40 Kw at 100 rpm.
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