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  • Dhaval Shah 94277 13155
  • Narendra Shah 94277 13144
  • Phone: +91 - 79 - 227 300 62
  • Email: info@pulleyahmedabad.com
  • Address: 43, Bhagwati Ind. Estate,
    B/h. Uttam Dairy, Opp. Dimple Stationery, Amraiwadi, Rakhial, Ahmedabad -
    380 026. Gujarat (India)

Solid & Pilot Bore Pulley

  • Step Pulley
    A series of pulleys of various diameters combined in a single concentric unit is knows as step pulley and used to vary the velocity ratio of shafts. Step Pulley is used where variations are required from slow rotations to high rotations with change of torque. It is also known as cone pulley.
  • V-Belt Pulley
    V-Belt Pulley Or V-Groove Pulley. This Pulley is also known as aara or Light weight Pulley. This is used to transmit power for low weight. These are normally used where rotation is less and moving part connected to output shaft is very light. Pulleys are made from normally cast iron.
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