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Chain Coupling

  • Resilient Coupling
    Resilient Coupling is also known as Grid Spring Coupling. Resilient Couplings have earned the reputation of being ideal for drives where trouble-free operation is essential. The coupling acts as a mechanical fuse for the drive system, helps in altering the torsional vibration frequency, and prevents build up of resonance in the system. Depends upon industry requirements AECOFLEX can make as per clients requirements or drawings. Tex
  • Chain Coupling
    Chain Couplings are commonly used in slow speed, high torque applications. Roller Chain Couplings are used to connect two shafts, a reducer, or a motor directly to a machine for efficient power transmissions. Construction is simple, it consist of a combination of only three basic parts, one coupling duplex roller chain and two coupling sprockets.

  • Chain-Coupling

  • Resilient Coupling
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